The Library Services department includes the Circulation department and the Reading Room. Its universal holdings count about 70 thousand volumes. The holdings are beeing formed according the goals of the library to better meet its patron interests and information needs. The library has also a collection of rare books that is kept with all the care to preserve the books dated from the 19th century. These ancient books came from two libraries that existed in Ustyuzhna before the revolution of 1917 - the library for Zemstvo ( County Council) employers that was founded in 1883 and Zemstvo Public Uezd library named after P. Batyushkov. The mostly valuable volumes from the rare book collection are : Encyclopedia by Brokgauz & Efron in 82 volumes and 4 additional volumes, Table Dictionary by Granat & Co, Complete dictionary of Foreign Words by Burdon & Mikhelson, magazines "Picturesque Russia" edited by Tyanshanskiy, books written in German and published in Leipzig in 1878. Also, there are some pre-Revolutionary editions of the books in different subjects such as philosophy, pedagogic, sociology, history of culture, general history, memoirs and biographies. The library patrons have a variety of choice of periodicals (more than 100 titles) as "Ogonyok", "Around the world", "Health", "Friend", "Peasant ", "World of Woman", "Our Heritage" and the others. During ten years the library has been arranging numerous exhibitions of the local craftworker focused on the lace works, macramй, wood carving, wicker crafts, embroidery. Also it organizes special events like public meetings with the artisans, arranges photo albums about them and their art works. |
Reference Service department was created as a separate section in 1996. Its responsibilities are to maintain the reference collection as well as the system catalogue with subject index and catalogue for the Regional Study. Also there are databases on the subjects that are important for the development of local industry and social life. Thanks to a Regional Program "Development of Library Services in the Vologda Region" that mostly provides all the acquisitions to the library, it successfully meets its patron's demands. The program is supported by Vyacheslav Pozgalev, the Governor of the Vologda Region. The other very important sources for acquisitions are Ustuyzhna Municipal Council whose Head personally supports subscription for the periodicals and the Open Society Institute (Russian office of the Soros Foundation ) with the Megaproject "The Poushkin Library". In 2001 the user work station was set up at the department where the patrons can do computing or use "Consultant Plus". The latter is a database with several search engines such as "Expert", containing all the laws and legislative acts of the Russian Federation territory, "Accountant", "Court practice" and "Legislation of the Vologda Region". The database was granted to the library by the company "Business-soft". You can find a complete information at the
department on regional study focused on the following
All the information is available to search through electronic databases |
Leisure Department organizes leisure activity of the patrons. Thanks to several clubs and associations the department supports communication and information needs of the library patrons. The library makes a lot of efforts to organize a Cultural Program for the Pozdeev Fair and the Day of the Town of Ustyuzhna. There are special events on literature, poetry and music in the schedule, expositions of artisan's art works. Creative programs of a club "Friday meetings" are very popular in the town. They explore different themes like "Songs and Couplets of the Ustyuzhna District", "Russian Soul and Russian Nature", "Woman Heart", "Talents of the Ustyuzhna Country". |
Department of Special Services provides the users with the Computers Games, video cassette rent, and bestseller book collection. |