5, Sobornaya Gorka, Ustyuzhna, Vologda Region

Wednesday- Sunday   10.00 tо 13.00, 14.00 to 17.00
Closed on Monday and Tuesday 

 Fine Arts section includes: Room of Old  Russian Painting and аn Exhibition of China Collection from XIX and the beginning of XX century. The Room of Old  Russian Painting is really unique, there is a quarter of the Cathedral with the Memorial from the XYII made  иконостасом by Moscow Arm Chamber.  Oil Painting represented in the Museum by pictures by Aivazovskiy, Kustodiev, Kryzhitskiy, Klever and the others. 
Section of History introduces history of the district from XI to  XX centuries to the visitors. The exhibits of a great interest are those that relate the iron-making production of Ustyuzhna  Zheleznopol'skaya from  XVI-XVIII centuries.

One of the rooms in the museum hosts a permanent exhibition  "Birds and Animals of our lands ". At the Exhibition Hall there are about 10 different exhibitions  a year.

Ustyuzhna Natural History Museum  was open to the public in  1921 . From  1936  it is located at the Cathedral of Virgine Birth. (XVII в.). Contemporary exhposition consists the History Section, the Section of Fine Arts and the Exhibition Hall.