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from the Birth o f Christ, during the reign of the pious lord Tzar and great

prince of all-Rus Mikhail Feodorovich and his son Tsarevich Prince Alexei

Mikhailovich, the great lord Varlaam, Metropolitan o f Rostov and Yaro­

slavl, under Fa ther Superior Antony by the promise o f lord Tzar and the

Grand Prince o f all Rus Mikhail Feodorovich by deacon Nikifor Sh ipulin in

the honou r and glory of the Trinity, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit

and the Mo the r o f Christ and all the o ther saints for all time. Amen».

This is how the now partly lost inscription read in 1773. The man , who

commissioned the wall painting Nikifor Shipulin was a prominen t member

o f the state-admin istration . He first served as a clerk for Patriarch Filaret,

father o f Mikhail Feodorovich, and in different departmen ts later. He fre­

quently performed various responsible tasks for the tzar. In 1633 the tzar

sent him with commanders Dmitri Cherkasski and Dmitri Pozharski to Smo ­

lensk to replace boyar Shein. Nikifor had given 500 roubles — the money for

painting the cathedral and its parvis in 1630. In a few years after the c om ­

p letion o f the murals he jo ined Kirillo-Belozerski monastery, and was bu r ­

ied on the cathedral parvis after his death. They believe that Nikifor Sh ipu ­

lin and his son is depicted in the wall painting o f the cathedral in a c om po ­

sition illustrating one of the psalms. And indeed it represents an old man

and a youth dressed in princely or boyar clothes kneeling before St. Sofia’s

th rone. There are no similar images on o ther illustrations o f the same text in

XVII cen tury Russian painting. If this supposition is true, then we have

before us a rare for that time example of a life-time portrait.

Only during restoration o f 1930 the end of the chron icle was revealed:

«The wall painting was accomplished by Lyubim Agiev and friends». Lyubim

Agiev, or Ageyev was the tzar's city icon painter from Kostroma and one of

the best Russian masters of wall painting of mid XVII century. In 1643

together with masters from different cities he painted the Moscow Kremlin

cathedral o f the Dormition as one of the four highly paid icon painters.

The murals o f 1641 were damaged during repair works in the second half

o f the XVIII century. The additional brickwork around the arches and piers

hid a part o f the compositions, impairing the wholenes o f some thema tic

cycles, o ther compositions were disfigured by new brickwork. When the w in ­

dows were hewn wider the figures of the saints on the side surfaces were

destroyed. The surrounding compositions could not escape damage as well.

The doors made in the west and south walls during the construc tion o f the

additions also led to the destruction of a part o f the compositions. And

finally, white lines of plaster crossed the murals in different directions, after

the fixing o f the wide cracks which had formed by that time; the renewal of

the murals was unavoidable.

In 1838 the original painting was covered with linseed oil and roughly

executed oil overpaint. The new authors had to somewhat change the d am ­

aged compositions where necessary, and to paint the new brickwork. That

was the state in which the murals of the cathedral of the Do rm ition have

reached us.