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The first test cleanings o f the old painting in the cathedral were c o n d u c t ­

ed in 1929 by restorer P. I. Yukin. Restoration works were renewed only in

1970 and are still carried out.

It hecame evident that the XIX century overpaint in a majority o f cases

rather accurately traces the design o f the original painting. That is why we

can judge about the decoration of the cathedral and partially about the c om ­

position of individual scenes today, before the cleaning o f the painting is

finished. The decoration o f the upper part o f the cathedral is perfectly tr a d i­

tional: with Christ Pan tocrator in the cupola, 8 full length figures o f the

Forefathers in the spaces between the windows o f the drum, 12 round m e ­

dallions with half-length figures of the ancestors of the 12 generations of

Israel at the base o f the drum; and the evangelists in the pendentives. A

little lower, the so-called protoevangelist cycle containing scenes from the

life of the Mo the r of God is unfolded, with the illustrations to the Acath is-

tos of the Virgin even lower. All the scenes are read in the d irec tion follow­

ing the trajectory o f the sun. They begin on the south wall staring from the

iconostasis and make several full circles first in the central volume o f the

cathedral and then in its corners. This system o f scene arrangement some ­

what resembles the system used in the Ferapontov monastery cathedral. The

same example recalls the arrangement of the compositions glorifying the

Virgin in the lunetts: e. g. «the Dormition o f the Virgin», «the In te r c e s ­

sion», «In Thee Rejoceth». The theme of the Virgin completely prevails in

the painting o f the cathedral of the Dormition. And it is only in the s o u th ­

west room that some o f the episodes o f the life of Christ are represented.

Here we also find a composition unconnected thematically with the a d ­

joining ones and not belonging to any cycle. It depicts a tza r on a throne

with soldiers prostrated before it. There is also an old man, a youth and a

wife in boyar clothing on their knees. This is an illustration o f the 44th

psalm dedicated to the tzar. This thematic isolatedness o f the scene sup ­

ports the supposition first made by S. S. Churakov that this is a family

portrait o f the commissioner.

In the north -weste rn part o f the cathedral there are scenes o f the «Last

Judgement» and some symbolic compositions rather vague in their meaning.

Judging by the cleaned areas the style of the wall-painting is distinguished

for its monumen tality and traditionality. There is yet no «carpet-like» qu a l­

ity and some over-detailness o f the compositions characteristic o f the later

murals. The new trends in iconography and in the in terpretation o f forms

had touched this painting only in a small degree. Because o f the quality of

their execution and a relatively good state the murals o f the cathedral o f the

Dormition shall become one of the central monumen ts o f Russian mid

XVII cen tury wall painting after they are completely cleaned.

In 1554 t h e c h a p e l o f V l a d i m i r was added to the cathedral

on its no rthern side. It is a small pier-less chu rch covered by an original

system o f stepped arches. This kind of covering is best known from Pskov

monuments. The chapel of Vladimir reproduced on a lesser scale in its ex te ­