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and awry, the figure is poorly disposed, the background seems unjustifiably

bare. There are mediocre icons both in the deisis and especially in the prophets

tier. The artists failed to subordinate the dimensions o f the images to the

size of the panels, the figures barely fit the space allotted to them. But even

on these icons the faces are painted as thoroughly as on the best ones.

The XVIII century festival icons are painted inartistically, they do not

stand comparison with the icons from the church of St. John the Baptist

painted with great skill and taste by Luca Petrov at about the same time.

These icons are curious for their popular treatment of canonic subjects.

On the whole however the iconostasis of the church o f the Transfigura­

tion is very well attired. This impression is supplemented by its very good

lighting achieved by the shifting of the drum from the cen te r to the east.

The ideal state of the gilding on the Holy doors and local saints icons, the

abundance o f ornamen tation on the clothes of the saints in the deisis make

the iconostasis of the church the most bright, radiant and festive one.

While defining the style o f its painting, one must keep in mind th a t a l­

though in the XV, first half of the XVI century iconostasis in monasteries

were painted mainly by Moscow artists, starting from the second half o f the

XVI century a monastery no longer sent for masters from far away and ex ­

pensive metropolitan workshops, but invited them from Vologda, Belozersk,

Kargopol and o ther northern centers. That is why it is easy to find close

analogies to monastery iconostases and individual icons of the second half

o f the XVI—XVII centuries among works of art connected with the Russian

North . This applies whole to the iconostasis of the church o f the Transfigu­


The same Yakov Kostohusov, who built the church o f St. Ep iphanios,

erected the hospital chambers with the church o f St. Euphimius the Grand.

The chambers were built in 1643—44. They are usually referred to as t h e

l a r g e h o s p i t a l c h a m b e r s as compared to the hospital chambers

wh ich appeared later in Ivanovski monastery.

The building consists of two vast chambers connected by narrow «seni»

(vestibule). The chambers are covered by vaults on webs, supported by the

walls and a massive brick pier placed in the cen ter of each chamber. They

were lighted by a large number of small windows. The windows o f the n o r t h ­

ern chambe r have retained their original dimensions. In the south one they

were a little broadenned in the XVII century.

The facades o f the hospital chambers are extremely sparingly decorated.

The elongated squat volume of the building covered by a gently sloping

gable roo f reminds one o f a northern izba (log cabin). The building is s trik ­

ing for its grandness and a special austere simplicity.

Two years after the erection of the chambers, in 1646, t h e c h u r c h

o f St . E u p h i m i u s was built. Its main cubic volume and altar apse

resemble the chu rch o f St. Epiphanios in the smallest details. But instead of

roofing the chu rch with a system of stepped arches its builders employed

here a stone shatyor (tent roof) on a low octagonal volume. The cho ice o f a