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right) and George (on the left) are depicted in bright clothing, since this is

traditional for these saints. The large haloes painted with two colors seem

unusual. We find this device on other icons, but the color transition there is,

as a rule, smooth; the colors of the haloes of these Kirillov icons are boldly

and unexpectedly contraposed: red and green, blue and pink. This makes

them unique in their own way. The painting is wonderfully supp lemen ted by

painted tyabla. They were made by the same artists, who used mainly earth

pigments as they did with the icons.

The style of the icons leaves no doubt as to their local no rthe rn origin.

They are close to the icons of the Belozersk cathedral o f the Dormition,

which date from the middle of the XVI century. Their likeness allows us to

assume that they were made in one workshop.

The prototypes for such deisis tiers as in the church of St. John Climacus

and the Belozersk cathedral of the Dormition were the half-length deesi

common in Byzantium and which became popular in Rus. One o f these

deesi was brought from Byzantium to Vysotski monastery near Serpukhov in

the XIV century. Numerous copies, the so-called «spiski» were made from

the Byzantine icons. It is thought by specialists that Andrei Rublev created

his famous «Zvenigorodski cheen» for the cathedral in Zvenigorod unde r the

influence o f these icons. It now adorns the collection o f the Tretyakov G a l­

lery. This was a peculiar iconographic variant different from the Byzantine

one. Both these schemes, the Byzantine and the Rublev one, were ex trao r­

dinarily popular in Rus in the XV and XVI centuries in numerous r ep e ti­

tions. In the course o f time however the features reminiscent o f the p r o to ­

types faded from the new icons. The importance of the Kirillov and Belozersk

deesi is also in the fact that they, more definitely than o ther ensembles,

have retained this link; the former with Byzantine deisis iconography, and

the latte r with its Russian version, Rublev's «Zvenigorodski cheen».

From the in terior appointments of the church , before the beginning of

restoration the a tten tion of specialists was attracted only to the gilded Holy

doors, lavishly decorated with complicated carving. Their surface was c om ­

pletely covered with stems of large spiral sprouts and typical palmettes with

fluted leaves. There are many o ther fragmented and over-detailed o rn am en ­

tal patterns, not quite harmonious in size, on the central shaft and in the

framing o f the panels. Despite their magnificence and in tricateness these

doors still yield to the doors from the church of St. Sergius, similar in ca rv ­

ing motifs, but distinguished for their refined laconicism of composition.

The restoration of the appointments isn't completed yet, but even now

the chu rch of St. John Climacus gives an idea of the real beauty o f the

in terior o f a Russian chu rch untouched by later tinsel embellishment.

At the same time with, or a bit earlier than the church o f St. John C lima ­

cus a new building of «К a z e


n а у a» c h a m b e r (treasury), a lot

bigger than its predecessor, was erected in place of the old treasury cell.

This edifice a ttached to the west wall of the old chamber presented an e lon ­

gated rectangle in ground plan. On its longitudinal axis an arcade was placed